This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 5 [Fri, Feb 9th] - Tutorial

1 Discuss code quality problems of iP PRs

  1. Find the PR you have been allocated to discuss (expand the the panel below). If the allocated PR is not available or suitable, you can choose the fallback option, and failing that, any random PR.

    PR allocation

    Your username PR to review Fallback PR to review
    0-yibai JiaXinEu's PR owenong1's PR
    0liverkong jyztintan's PR ChrysanthemumT's PR
    0nesheep JustWeiHao's PR purivirakarin's PR
    1rbg ananya21's PR dwangwk's PR
    4llysa aureliony's PR breezetall's PR
    AL-ZT Benson15912's PR Ryo-Seah's PR
    AdityaB4 JukeBoxK's PR joenus's PR
    AidenLYT AjayArvind2207's PR ararchch's PR
    AjayArvind2207 ararchch's PR leepoeaik's PR
    Alteqa hjungwoo01's PR tahsinhasem's PR
    Anant1902 chenyixin0's PR NatLeong's PR
    AndrewOng2066 Ragnapop's PR guanquann's PR
    Apzure kaitinghh's PR ljy0422's PR
    Arixeyeion matthewken19's PR xuwen-ho's PR
    Austintjh19 chiralcentre's PR yeoshuheng's PR
    AwJoey MarcusGitty's PR donwong2308's PR
    Bandov ChuaZenKhoon's PR billyhoce's PR
    Benson15912 Ryo-Seah's PR tanjieling0's PR
    BryanL2303 maze508's PR quelinxiao's PR
    CJerrong chengjunyuan's PR LargeCrowd's PR
    CaptainKeqing eliotlee68's PR radeon2525's PR
    Cedricaca Jerome-j's PR redcolorbicycle's PR
    ChenXy128 caitlyntang's PR SherisseTJW's PR
    Chiarena huekoh's PR SeaHogs's PR
    ChillinRage Teee728's PR kaiyi27's PR
    ChocoRagdoll ChillinRage's PR Teee728's PR
    ChrisHo1341 tanjiajiajun's PR ThatGirlJam's PR
    ChrysanthemumT yadunut's PR ChenXy128's PR
    ChuaZenKhoon billyhoce's PR ziyi22's PR
    ChuaZiLong rahhulleee's PR wapisai's PR
    Colex2000 dabzpengu's PR CJerrong's PR
    Darkarche3 H4mes's PR c-wenlong's PR
    Darylgolden AwJoey's PR MarcusGitty's PR
    Derekljh jaejayrome's PR tanqinyong's PR
    Dethada cliftonchee's PR yashpola's PR
    Dexter-Wong Jaspertzx's PR Apzure's PR
    DhiraPT Shauryan123's PR triciiaaa's PR
    DingBao-sys shunjieee's PR SherwynNg's PR
    DominicFuMJ erv-teo's PR PallonCX's PR
    E0735389 kervyntan's PR nichee's PR
    Ella-e KSSWSept20's PR LifHoshi's PR
    Emberlynn-Loo tcjazwei's PR AndrewOng2066's PR
    FangRuoqing 0-yibai's PR JiaXinEu's PR
    Fidget-Spinner taufiq's PR Xuyan0518's PR
    ForAeons g-tejas's PR jovantanyk's PR
    GERARDJM018 ongzhili's PR yisiox's PR
    GiselleTan Lin-Shuang-Shuang's PR GERARDJM018's PR
    Greg-Tan jamessinmaojun's PR pjanthony2001's PR
    H4mes c-wenlong's PR drustanyjt's PR
    HM33-Stu Rishit02's PR miffi's PR
    Hibeom0929 cocoanautz's PR KiatLun's PR
    HongRay timothysashimi's PR felixchanyy's PR
    Howlong11 Colex2000's PR dabzpengu's PR
    HusseinSafwan02 h4ow3i's PR ThitipatC's PR
    Hwww23 xuelinglow's PR thewongdylan's PR
    IamZhenHong chuahjiajie's PR yorklim's PR
    J-wang-CSMA Fidget-Spinner's PR taufiq's PR
    Jajared Zer0Legion's PR Emberlynn-Loo's PR
    Jaspertzx Apzure's PR kaitinghh's PR
    Javiery3889 YowSiaoKang's PR meowwtama's PR
    Jawad280 nigel27022001's PR SampsonYe1999's PR
    Jayne1010 ronnnnnnnnn's PR legionlegion's PR
    Jerome-j redcolorbicycle's PR Arixeyeion's PR
    JerryO3 camille-readbean's PR javierng2knus's PR
    JerryWang0000 guohuang88's PR Morninggloryyy's PR
    JiaXinEu owenong1's PR tanguoyang's PR
    Joelwang22 Zack-Tay's PR E0735389's PR
    Jolonauh Derekljh's PR jaejayrome's PR
    JonChong98 Javiery3889's PR YowSiaoKang's PR
    Joseph31416 whitesnowx's PR choowengyan's PR
    Joshy837 gauravuj's PR Cedricaca's PR
    JukeBoxK joenus's PR ChrisHo1341's PR
    JuliaPoo darkvoid32's PR marcus-ny's PR
    JustWeiHao purivirakarin's PR saiutkarsh33's PR
    KSSWSept20 LifHoshi's PR bryanyee33's PR
    Kappaccinoh Li-Zizhen's PR VatsalVitosh's PR
    Kaya3842 yap-zong-xin's PR JonChong98's PR
    KhoonSun47 YuZizhen's PR fy17ohhh's PR
    KiatLun johnyoozhengxian's PR martinng01's PR
    KinTatHo headcube1's PR nuyer's PR
    Ko-Khan ivan24004's PR sindhurajain's PR
    KohGuanZeh SimKianSeng's PR macareonie's PR
    LWS49 xiaorui-ui's PR JerryWang0000's PR
    Lalelulilulela kailinteoo's PR myang2020's PR
    LargeCrowd maiyasaliha's PR faaheem13's PR
    Li-Zizhen VatsalVitosh's PR zhuuyicheng's PR
    LifHoshi bryanyee33's PR The-Dudeski's PR
    LimZiJia STELLA-LYE's PR alphajae11's PR
    Lin-Shuang-Shuang GERARDJM018's PR ongzhili's PR
    Ma-Yirui Darylgolden's PR AwJoey's PR
    MaYuehan yespiggy's PR wallacexuhanxiao's PR
    MarcusGitty donwong2308's PR Ko-Khan's PR
    Morninggloryyy jeremiahlzz's PR ryanlimdx's PR
    Murugan-Maniish tzaph's PR yapxuanxuan's PR
    NatLeong shavonneg's PR peterXGD's PR
    NeoHW DominicFuMJ's PR erv-teo's PR
    NewtonKoh vannykin's PR modembcc's PR
    NusMinato vnnamng's PR raysonchia's PR
    PallonCX TarinPairor's PR tanyunchao's PR
    PateShin kab-dot's PR Rikko1204's PR
    Pluiexo zengzihui's PR AL-ZT's PR
    Pughal77 wang-xinrong's PR angsongyee's PR
    PyromancerBoom ziiqii's PR J-wang-CSMA's PR
    R-Laksh ashleygoh1's PR chaaaaun's PR
    Ragnapop guanquann's PR GiselleTan's PR
    ReflectiveObsidian smolegz's PR jasperng-nus's PR
    ReganChoy Kaya3842's PR yap-zong-xin's PR
    Rikko1204 ValenciaLim's PR jxunze's PR
    RingoftheKing justinlengch's PR shayaansultan's PR
    Rishit02 miffi's PR itstrueitstrueitsrealitsreal's PR
    RunjiaChen jeong-jaeho's PR alfaloo's PR
    Ryan-Reno tengcharmaine's PR ashleyy2444's PR
    RyanNgWH logical-1985516's PR youdonnnn's PR
    Ryo-Seah tanjieling0's PR Anant1902's PR
    S-Aishvarya RingoftheKing's PR justinlengch's PR
    STELLA-LYE alphajae11's PR getsquared's PR
    SampsonYe1999 Tsenrae's PR ShanylOng's PR
    SamuelZero1 gerteck's PR delishad21's PR
    SeaHogs menatahari's PR cyqjoseph's PR
    ShanylOng kokerinks's PR c-j-lh's PR
    Shauryan123 triciiaaa's PR NewtonKoh's PR
    SherisseTJW KohGuanZeh's PR SimKianSeng's PR
    SherwynNg casaarlai's PR gavingoh99's PR
    SimHanKiong kailashgautham's PR Dexter-Wong's PR
    SimKianSeng macareonie's PR meenulekha's PR
    Tanzhiheng26 UdhayaShan1's PR JuliaPoo's PR
    TarinPairor tanyunchao's PR Jayne1010's PR
    Teee728 kaiyi27's PR brennalaurentan's PR
    ThatGirlJam shawnnlimm's PR Howlong11's PR
    The-Dudeski Pluiexo's PR zengzihui's PR
    TheodoreKooo acekhoon's PR gosongying's PR
    ThitipatC chiageng's PR jieqiboh's PR
    TopKec xinen26's PR marclamp's PR
    Tsenrae ShanylOng's PR kokerinks's PR
    Ty-stan0417 shaunlxw's PR SimHanKiong's PR
    UdhayaShan1 JuliaPoo's PR darkvoid32's PR
    ValenciaLim jxunze's PR MaYuehan's PR
    VatsalVitosh zhuuyicheng's PR doyelee0313's PR
    Vision-2000 Kappaccinoh's PR Li-Zizhen's PR
    Windofbitter julia-cp's PR belligerentbeagle's PR
    Wongqingyee wongkj12's PR ondretann's PR
    Wyrkx kwuunnn's PR eunrcn's PR
    Xilef121 wolffe88's PR Alteqa's PR
    Xuyan0518 tsulim's PR rickkoh's PR
    YowSiaoKang meowwtama's PR tamagochuuu's PR
    Yskie tankh99's PR ZhiWei1010's PR
    YuSoonZ bertrandong's PR soons1's PR
    YuZizhen fy17ohhh's PR Windofbitter's PR
    YuvBindal 0nesheep's PR JustWeiHao's PR
    ZHANGTIANYAO1 whelan-low's PR minreiseah's PR
    Zack-Tay E0735389's PR kervyntan's PR
    Zer0Legion Emberlynn-Loo's PR tcjazwei's PR
    ZhiWei1010 YuvBindal's PR 0nesheep's PR
    acekhoon gosongying's PR jannaleong's PR
    agreatdayy yuhinarita's PR FangRuoqing's PR
    alex-setyawan sdevih's PR nusliuyifan's PR
    alfaloo Austintjh19's PR chiralcentre's PR
    alphajae11 getsquared's PR Yskie's PR
    alvinnzz ruijietay's PR leeweiming3's PR
    amanzainal NeoHW's PR DominicFuMJ's PR
    ananya21 dwangwk's PR jocelyn-soh's PR
    angsongyee S-Aishvarya's PR RingoftheKing's PR
    appleraincoat theman-oj10's PR solomonng2001's PR
    ararchch leepoeaik's PR PyromancerBoom's PR
    ashleyclx Murugan-Maniish's PR tzaph's PR
    ashleygoh1 chaaaaun's PR jayllo-c's PR
    ashleyy2444 yashma-sonara's PR Bandov's PR
    aureliony breezetall's PR chewbum's PR
    azumieflare Chiarena's PR huekoh's PR
    bachletuankhai minghowC's PR ZHANGTIANYAO1's PR
    beefsausagee limrik's PR Darkarche3's PR
    belligerentbeagle YuSoonZ's PR bertrandong's PR
    bennyLCK benson1029's PR Jawad280's PR
    benson1029 Jawad280's PR nigel27022001's PR
    bertrandong soons1's PR Pughal77's PR
    bgopi23 0liverkong's PR jyztintan's PR
    biinnnggggg minwaiphyo's PR swtan346's PR
    billyhoce ziyi22's PR JerryO3's PR
    blaukc chin-herng's PR iynixil's PR
    breezetall chewbum's PR jmsandiegoo's PR
    brennalaurentan dedsecrattle's PR bgopi23's PR
    bryanyee33 The-Dudeski's PR Pluiexo's PR
    c-j-lh alvinnzz's PR ruijietay's PR
    c-wenlong drustanyjt's PR Lalelulilulela's PR
    caitlyntang SherisseTJW's PR KohGuanZeh's PR
    camille-readbean javierng2knus's PR irwynliong's PR
    casaarlai gavingoh99's PR RyanNgWH's PR
    chaaaaun jayllo-c's PR cleowenxuan's PR
    cheahTJ HusseinSafwan02's PR h4ow3i's PR
    chengjunyuan LargeCrowd's PR maiyasaliha's PR
    chenyixin0 NatLeong's PR shavonneg's PR
    chewbum jmsandiegoo's PR lihaoquan's PR
    chiageng jieqiboh's PR blaukc's PR
    chiaryan tahnya's PR Joelwang22's PR
    chin-herng iynixil's PR lokidoki102's PR
    chiralcentre yeoshuheng's PR tohlh's PR
    chonghaoen rertyy's PR danielleloh's PR
    choowengyan ys112's PR dayn-1's PR
    chuahjiajie yorklim's PR narwhalsilent's PR
    cleowenxuan linnn-7's PR kinjalagarwal1810's PR
    cliftonchee yashpola's PR Wyrkx's PR
    cocoanautz KiatLun's PR johnyoozhengxian's PR
    cyqjoseph ReganChoy's PR Kaya3842's PR
    dabzpengu CJerrong's PR chengjunyuan's PR
    danielleloh yyccbb's PR AidenLYT's PR
    darkvoid32 marcus-ny's PR Ma-Yirui's PR
    darryl-chan jessicawyz's PR zhikaiong2001's PR
    dayn-1 ashleyclx's PR Murugan-Maniish's PR
    dedsecrattle bgopi23's PR 0liverkong's PR
    delishad21 yongkotaro's PR lynnetteeee's PR
    dhlee03 R-Laksh's PR ashleygoh1's PR
    dillontkh ChuaZiLong's PR rahhulleee's PR
    donwong2308 Ko-Khan's PR ivan24004's PR
    doyelee0313 HM33-Stu's PR Rishit02's PR
    drustanyjt Lalelulilulela's PR kailinteoo's PR
    dwangwk jocelyn-soh's PR CaptainKeqing's PR
    ejnan Ty-stan0417's PR shaunlxw's PR
    eliotlee68 radeon2525's PR sebin0817's PR
    erv-teo PallonCX's PR TarinPairor's PR
    eunrcn alex-setyawan's PR sdevih's PR
    evedaktyl hiivan's PR willowisp01's PR
    faaheem13 cheahTJ's PR HusseinSafwan02's PR
    felixchanyy beefsausagee's PR limrik's PR
    fy17ohhh Windofbitter's PR julia-cp's PR
    g-tejas jovantanyk's PR mahadhir247's PR
    garywongkai tayziyi's PR gingerbreaf's PR
    gauravuj Cedricaca's PR Jerome-j's PR
    gavin331 sun-ruiheng's PR jjchee77's PR
    gavingoh99 RyanNgWH's PR logical-1985516's PR
    gerteck delishad21's PR yongkotaro's PR
    getsquared Yskie's PR tankh99's PR
    gingerbreaf agreatdayy's PR yuhinarita's PR
    gosongying jannaleong's PR jerremyng's PR
    gowthaman-01 darryl-chan's PR jessicawyz's PR
    guanquann GiselleTan's PR Lin-Shuang-Shuang's PR
    guohuang88 Morninggloryyy's PR jeremiahlzz's PR
    h4ow3i ThitipatC's PR chiageng's PR
    headcube1 nuyer's PR ziyang27's PR
    hiivan willowisp01's PR taeewonnn's PR
    hjungwoo01 tahsinhasem's PR LimZiJia's PR
    hjuntan TheodoreKooo's PR acekhoon's PR
    howen02 hjuntan's PR TheodoreKooo's PR
    huekoh SeaHogs's PR menatahari's PR
    iamtr jinhanfromNUS's PR tituschewxj's PR
    ibnu2651 yiwern5's PR zhekaiii's PR
    irwynliong Joshy837's PR gauravuj's PR
    itstrueitstrueitsrealitsreal biinnnggggg's PR minwaiphyo's PR
    ivan24004 sindhurajain's PR qinxutan's PR
    iynixil lokidoki102's PR garywongkai's PR
    jaejayrome tanqinyong's PR Dethada's PR
    jamessinmaojun pjanthony2001's PR kjw142857's PR
    jannaleong jerremyng's PR AdityaB4's PR
    jasperng-nus gavin331's PR sun-ruiheng's PR
    javierng2knus irwynliong's PR Joshy837's PR
    jayllo-c cleowenxuan's PR linnn-7's PR
    jeong-jaeho alfaloo's PR Austintjh19's PR
    jeremiahlzz ryanlimdx's PR shamesjen's PR
    jerremyng AdityaB4's PR JukeBoxK's PR
    jessicawyz zhikaiong2001's PR dhlee03's PR
    jiahui0309 Jajared's PR Zer0Legion's PR
    jieqiboh blaukc's PR chin-herng's PR
    jimseah-0116 IamZhenHong's PR chuahjiajie's PR
    jinhanfromNUS tituschewxj's PR teojunda's PR
    jjchee77 sarjinius's PR moguries's PR
    jmsandiegoo lihaoquan's PR ejnan's PR
    jocelyn-soh CaptainKeqing's PR eliotlee68's PR
    joelgoh1 KhoonSun47's PR YuZizhen's PR
    joenus ChrisHo1341's PR tanjiajiajun's PR
    johnyoozhengxian martinng01's PR wilsonwid's PR
    jonpwk DhiraPT's PR Shauryan123's PR
    jovantanyk mahadhir247's PR ChocoRagdoll's PR
    jskimdev officialchengyud's PR 1rbg's PR
    julia-cp belligerentbeagle's PR YuSoonZ's PR
    justincred howen02's PR hjuntan's PR
    justinlengch shayaansultan's PR Tanzhiheng26's PR
    jxunze MaYuehan's PR yespiggy's PR
    jyztintan ChrysanthemumT's PR yadunut's PR
    kab-dot Rikko1204's PR ValenciaLim's PR
    kailashgautham Dexter-Wong's PR Jaspertzx's PR
    kailinteoo myang2020's PR reetmitra's PR
    kaitinghh ljy0422's PR Vision-2000's PR
    kaiyi27 brennalaurentan's PR dedsecrattle's PR
    kervyntan nichee's PR jskimdev's PR
    kinjalagarwal1810 azumieflare's PR Chiarena's PR
    kjw142857 sethteo's PR TopKec's PR
    kokerinks c-j-lh's PR alvinnzz's PR
    kwuunnn eunrcn's PR alex-setyawan's PR
    laney0808 Wongqingyee's PR wongkj12's PR
    larainezo starsia's PR evedaktyl's PR
    leepoeaik PyromancerBoom's PR ziiqii's PR
    leeweiming3 Greg-Tan's PR jamessinmaojun's PR
    legionlegion peienlim's PR PateShin's PR
    lihaoquan ejnan's PR Ty-stan0417's PR
    limrik Darkarche3's PR H4mes's PR
    linnn-7 kinjalagarwal1810's PR azumieflare's PR
    ljy0422 Vision-2000's PR Kappaccinoh's PR
    logical-1985516 youdonnnn's PR 4llysa's PR
    lokidoki102 garywongkai's PR tayziyi's PR
    lynnetteeee taniatsq's PR BryanL2303's PR
    macareonie meenulekha's PR Ryan-Reno's PR
    mahadhir247 ChocoRagdoll's PR ChillinRage's PR
    maiyasaliha faaheem13's PR cheahTJ's PR
    marclamp iamtr's PR jinhanfromNUS's PR
    marcus-ny Ma-Yirui's PR Darylgolden's PR
    martinng01 wilsonwid's PR jimseah-0116's PR
    matthewken19 xuwen-ho's PR nyankoclaws's PR
    maze508 quelinxiao's PR Ella-e's PR
    meenulekha Ryan-Reno's PR tengcharmaine's PR
    menatahari cyqjoseph's PR ReganChoy's PR
    meowwtama tamagochuuu's PR chiaryan's PR
    miffi itstrueitstrueitsrealitsreal's PR biinnnggggg's PR
    minghowC ZHANGTIANYAO1's PR whelan-low's PR
    minreiseah jonpwk's PR DhiraPT's PR
    minwaiphyo swtan346's PR larainezo's PR
    modembcc appleraincoat's PR theman-oj10's PR
    moguries yleeyilin's PR rizkidelta's PR
    myang2020 reetmitra's PR RunjiaChen's PR
    narwhalsilent amanzainal's PR NeoHW's PR
    nichee jskimdev's PR officialchengyud's PR
    nigel27022001 SampsonYe1999's PR Tsenrae's PR
    nobodyishappy joelgoh1's PR KhoonSun47's PR
    nusliuyifan Hibeom0929's PR cocoanautz's PR
    nuyer ziyang27's PR jiahui0309's PR
    nyankoclaws ForAeons's PR g-tejas's PR
    officialchengyud 1rbg's PR ananya21's PR
    ondretann ibnu2651's PR yiwern5's PR
    ongzhili yisiox's PR HongRay's PR
    owenong1 tanguoyang's PR justincred's PR
    peienlim PateShin's PR kab-dot's PR
    peterXGD yuechen2001's PR Xilef121's PR
    pjanthony2001 kjw142857's PR sethteo's PR
    purivirakarin saiutkarsh33's PR SamuelZero1's PR
    qinboan ReflectiveObsidian's PR smolegz's PR
    qinxutan qinboan's PR ReflectiveObsidian's PR
    quelinxiao Ella-e's PR KSSWSept20's PR
    radeon2525 sebin0817's PR gowthaman-01's PR
    rahhulleee wapisai's PR LWS49's PR
    raysonchia zoebelle-pang's PR KinTatHo's PR
    redcolorbicycle Arixeyeion's PR matthewken19's PR
    reetmitra RunjiaChen's PR jeong-jaeho's PR
    rertyy danielleloh's PR yyccbb's PR
    rickkoh Hwww23's PR xuelinglow's PR
    rizkidelta nobodyishappy's PR joelgoh1's PR
    ronnnnnnnnn legionlegion's PR peienlim's PR
    ruijietay leeweiming3's PR Greg-Tan's PR
    ryanlimdx shamesjen's PR bachletuankhai's PR
    saiutkarsh33 SamuelZero1's PR gerteck's PR
    sarjinius moguries's PR yleeyilin's PR
    sdevih nusliuyifan's PR Hibeom0929's PR
    sebin0817 gowthaman-01's PR darryl-chan's PR
    sethteo TopKec's PR xinen26's PR
    shamesjen bachletuankhai's PR minghowC's PR
    shaunlxw SimHanKiong's PR kailashgautham's PR
    shavonneg peterXGD's PR yuechen2001's PR
    shawnnlimm Howlong11's PR Colex2000's PR
    shayaansultan Tanzhiheng26's PR UdhayaShan1's PR
    shunjieee SherwynNg's PR casaarlai's PR
    sindhurajain qinxutan's PR qinboan's PR
    smolegz jasperng-nus's PR gavin331's PR
    solomonng2001 Joseph31416's PR whitesnowx's PR
    soons1 Pughal77's PR wang-xinrong's PR
    starsia evedaktyl's PR hiivan's PR
    sun-ruiheng jjchee77's PR sarjinius's PR
    swtan346 larainezo's PR starsia's PR
    taeewonnn DingBao-sys's PR shunjieee's PR
    tahnya Joelwang22's PR Zack-Tay's PR
    tahsinhasem LimZiJia's PR STELLA-LYE's PR
    tamagochuuu chiaryan's PR tahnya's PR
    tanguoyang justincred's PR howen02's PR
    taniatsq BryanL2303's PR maze508's PR
    tanjiajiajun ThatGirlJam's PR shawnnlimm's PR
    tanjieling0 Anant1902's PR chenyixin0's PR
    tankh99 ZhiWei1010's PR YuvBindal's PR
    tanqinyong Dethada's PR cliftonchee's PR
    tanyunchao Jayne1010's PR ronnnnnnnnn's PR
    taufiq Xuyan0518's PR tsulim's PR
    tayziyi gingerbreaf's PR agreatdayy's PR
    tcjazwei AndrewOng2066's PR Ragnapop's PR
    tejas-1405 NusMinato's PR vnnamng's PR
    tengcharmaine ashleyy2444's PR yashma-sonara's PR
    teojunda chonghaoen's PR rertyy's PR
    theman-oj10 solomonng2001's PR Joseph31416's PR
    thewongdylan bennyLCK's PR benson1029's PR
    timothysashimi felixchanyy's PR beefsausagee's PR
    tituschewxj teojunda's PR chonghaoen's PR
    tohlh zhenghuil's PR tejas-1405's PR
    triciiaaa NewtonKoh's PR vannykin's PR
    tsulim rickkoh's PR Hwww23's PR
    tzaph yapxuanxuan's PR laney0808's PR
    vannykin modembcc's PR appleraincoat's PR
    vnnamng raysonchia's PR zoebelle-pang's PR
    wallacexuhanxiao Jolonauh's PR Derekljh's PR
    wang-xinrong angsongyee's PR S-Aishvarya's PR
    wapisai LWS49's PR xiaorui-ui's PR
    whelan-low minreiseah's PR jonpwk's PR
    whitesnowx choowengyan's PR ys112's PR
    willowisp01 taeewonnn's PR DingBao-sys's PR
    wilsonwid jimseah-0116's PR IamZhenHong's PR
    wolffe88 Alteqa's PR hjungwoo01's PR
    wongkj12 ondretann's PR ibnu2651's PR
    xiaorui-ui JerryWang0000's PR guohuang88's PR
    xinen26 marclamp's PR iamtr's PR
    xuelinglow thewongdylan's PR bennyLCK's PR
    xuwen-ho nyankoclaws's PR ForAeons's PR
    yadunut ChenXy128's PR caitlyntang's PR
    yap-zong-xin JonChong98's PR Javiery3889's PR
    yapxuanxuan laney0808's PR Wongqingyee's PR
    yashma-sonara Bandov's PR ChuaZenKhoon's PR
    yashpola Wyrkx's PR kwuunnn's PR
    yeoshuheng tohlh's PR zhenghuil's PR
    yespiggy wallacexuhanxiao's PR Jolonauh's PR
    yisiox HongRay's PR timothysashimi's PR
    yiwern5 zhekaiii's PR dillontkh's PR
    yleeyilin rizkidelta's PR nobodyishappy's PR
    yongkotaro lynnetteeee's PR taniatsq's PR
    yorklim narwhalsilent's PR amanzainal's PR
    youdonnnn 4llysa's PR aureliony's PR
    ys112 dayn-1's PR ashleyclx's PR
    yuechen2001 Xilef121's PR wolffe88's PR
    yuhinarita FangRuoqing's PR 0-yibai's PR
    yyccbb AidenLYT's PR AjayArvind2207's PR
    zengzihui AL-ZT's PR Benson15912's PR
    zhekaiii dillontkh's PR ChuaZiLong's PR
    zhenghuil tejas-1405's PR NusMinato's PR
    zhikaiong2001 dhlee03's PR R-Laksh's PR
    zhuuyicheng doyelee0313's PR HM33-Stu's PR
    ziiqii J-wang-CSMA's PR Fidget-Spinner's PR
    ziyang27 jiahui0309's PR Jajared's PR
    ziyi22 JerryO3's PR camille-readbean's PR
    zoebelle-pang KinTatHo's PR headcube1's PR

    Allocation not available yet...

  2. 10 minutes Find instances of the given code quality problems: Go through the code in the diff view (i.e., the files changed tab), and find instances of following code quality problems (ignore other types of code quality problems)
    a) weak SLAP
    b) nesting problems: arrow-head style code or too-deep nesting
    c) too-long methods

    • If you can't find at least one example, you can try the fallback option provided, and failing that, another random iP PR.
    • You can also select borderline cases.

    Paste screenshots of problematic code in the .pptx the tutor will share with you via MSTeams.

    To identify nesting problems or long methods, zoom out and scroll through the entire PR code to do a visual inspection (no need to read the code line-by-line). After visually locating a method that looks too long/deep, have a closer look to see it can be improved by using better abstraction.

    If exisiting PR comments are getting in your way, you can hide them using the following option:

    You can use the following setting to try the two different views available and pick the one you like.
  3. 10 minutes Discussion: The tutor will lead a short discussion to go through the problematic code you found.

  4. After the tutorial, you can apply the insights gained from this activity to improve the code quality of your own iP, if necessary.

    You are not required to (but welcome to) post review comments in the PRs you examined.

2 User stories exercise

  • Consider the following user stories a team came up with, for a tP that aims to build a software for tracking travel plans.
1 As a … I can … So that I can … notes
2 first-time user see some sample trips when I open the app easily try out its features without needing to add my data first
3 first-time user see a help message explaining which features I should try first start by trying features that are more suited for new users e.g., "hey you seem to be new. Try adding a trip first"
4 new user ready to adopt the app for my own use purge all data get rid of sample/dummy data and start adding my real data
5 busy user track all trip-related data inside the app save time looking for data
6 user sending trip info to friends via email or telegram
7 user add a trip
8 user delete a trip get rid of trip no longer needed to track
9 user edit trip details correct mistakes I made when adding a trip
10 user view all trip details recall details of trips
11 user see the next upcoming trip details when I open the app save the step of searching for the trip reason: the next upcoming trips is the most likely trip the user may want to see
  • Think of the answers to the following questions. These will be discussed during the tutorial.
    1. Which user stories don’t follow the correct format?
    2. Any of them too big for the tP planning? i.e., cannot be implemented by one person within 1-2 days
    3. Which are must-have for v1.2? i.e., impossible to use the app without it

3 Prioritize tP user stories

  • If you haven't done so already, prioritize tP user stories as explained in the panel below.

4 time permitting Create a feature list for v1.2

  • If there is time left, do the following tP task that is scheduled for the following week.

Admin tP → week 6 → Conceptualize v1.2

  • Based on your user stories selected previously, conceptualize the product in terms of how it will look like at v1.2 in the form of a feature list.
    Note down the feature list in your online project notes document.

FAQ: How many features should we put in v1.2?
A: Aim for the smallest set of features the product cannot do without. Even a most basic version of those features is enough. After completing that feature set, you can add more if there is time left.