This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Course ExpectationsWeekly Schedule

Course Briefing Videos

Course briefing videos cover general admin instructions and aim to guide you on important components of the course.

Course briefings are delivered as pre-recorded videos, so that they can be made shorter, and you can speed-watch them if you wish, to save time.

Most course briefing videos are categorized MUST-WATCH as they contain important information that you need to know to increase your effort-to-gain ratio, and get the best out of this course.

They are listed below for reference only. When it is time for you to watch a certain course briefing video, it will appear in the current schedule page of the course website.
We track their viewership and remind when you don't watch them on time.

Week 2 Course Briefings

1. Welcome to the Course:

Video 1 min

2. Course Goals: How the goals of this course shape the way it is run (possibly different from other courses), and how it should be approached by students.

Video 9 mins

2.a. Detour: SDLC Basics: At this point, watch the following video covering the week 2 topic 'SDLC Process Models Basics', as the concepts covered in there are referenced in the rest of the course briefing.

Video 6 mins -- Detour: SDLC Basics

3. Iterative + Brownfield = ???: How the iterative and brownfield approach taken by the course impacts your learning experience.

Video 6 mins

4. Challenges and Solutions: How to tackle three challenges you'll face in the course, namely, information overload, workload, and technical problems.

Video 12 mins

5. First weekly briefing: As this is the first such weekly briefing, it also covers some general points relevant to all future weeks.

Video 8 mins

Week 3 Course Briefings

CS2103/T Pitfalls (and how to avoid them)

Video 9 mins

Week 4 Course Briefings

tP Briefing (Part 1 -- Getting Started)

Video 9 mins

Week 7 Course Briefings

Noticed anything odd about the videos below?

As you watch the videos below, you might realize that while the voice is 'sort of' like prof's, the accent is certainly different from prof's. This is because in these videos we used an AI-driven text-to-speech tool to create the narrations, as an experiment.

tP Briefing (Part 2a -- v1.1, Workflow)

Video 9 mins

tP Briefing (Part 2b -- v1.2-v1.4, PE, Grading, Workload)

Video 11 mins

Week 13 Course Briefings

Final Exam: This video contains an overview of the final exam structure and resources that you can use to prepare for it.

Video 12 mins

Course Topics Recap aka the 'Big Picture': This video explains how course topics fit into a big picture, and as a bonus, touches on some exam-like questions as well.

Video 19 mins

Course ExpectationsWeekly Schedule