This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.


Programming Language

The main language used in this course is Java. You should use Java for all programming activities, the project, and exam answers.

The course doesn’t “teach” Java. We assume you already know Java basics. We expect you to learn on your own any Java constructs not covered in your previous courses. The exam expects you to know Java to the extent that you should be familiar with it as a result of using it in the course exercises/projects.


We require you to use Java 11 (the Oracle version or another alternative such as the OpenJDK version) for all course work. It is your duty to ensure the code you write (and executables you produce) are compatible with that version of Java. Any incompatibilities will be considered as bugs.

If you have Java 8 in your computer, we recommend removing it, to prevent using it unintentionally.

Why not move to Java 17?: While we are aware that Java 17 is a more recent LTS version of Java, we are sticking with Java 11 which is still the most used version of Java in production systems. We plan to move to Java 17 in a future semester when its adoption is sufficiently high.

[IMPORTANT] Advisory for Mac users

This advisory applies to some Mac users.

The problem: You might not be able to run the JAR files produced by some of the classmates due to various incompatibility issues between your environment and theirs, although you can still get your own JAR files to work in your computer.

How to find if it applies to you: If you are a Mac user, here are the steps to check if it applies to you:

  1. Download the latest addressbook.jar from here.
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the location where you saved the above file.
  3. Check if you are using Java 11 by running the java -version command.
  4. Launch the JAR using the java -jar addressbook.jar command.
  5. If the text in the GUI appears garbled/unreadable, this advisory applies to you.

Solution: Some of our tutors looked into this problem and found a specific build of OpenJDK that doesn't seem to have these problems. If you are among the affected Mac users, please switch to that version of OpenJDK by following the instructions below.

Download and install the Azul build of OpenJDK 11 version found here (scroll to the bottom of the page) -- it supports fat JAR files compiled by all other systems that we have tested. Remember to choose the JDK FXversion (not any other versions).


You can use to install Java e.g., sdk install java 11.0.19.fx-zulu

Recommended: Remove the other versions of OpenJDK so that you do not accidentally launch the JAR using the wrong version (this video shows how)

After installation, the command java --version should give an output similar to the below:

openjdk 11.0.__ ____-__-__ LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.__+__-CA (build 11.0.__+_-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu11.__+__-CA (build 11.0.__+_-LTS, mixed mode)

And whereis java should output /usr/bin/java

Recommended: Set the JAVA_HOME/JDK_HOME system variables to point to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-11.jdk/Contents/Home

If you encounter problems while doing the above or need more info, please ask in the forum.
